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About me

Welcome to my blog! I hope you find it useful.

I have been a practicing accountant for a number of years in all sorts of fields and got a teaching certificate in math along the way.

Life has certainly thrown me lots of curves, but I have gained loads of wisdom and a daughter along the way, so I regret nothing. Life’s challenges have given me a better sense of my self, shown me I can overcome and persevere and the grace to forgive myself if I fail. Age does have it’s benefits!

Possessing a curious bent has led me down all sorts of paths having to do with money management, finance, taxes, investing, banking and starting and managing small businesses. I’m one of those “jack of all trades, master of none” people and don’t claim to have all the answers. But if I can help you out along your life journey I feel that all this hard won knowledge is not wasted.